Pauline Weaver Senior Apartments Pauline Weaver Senior Apartments is a 90-unit development for very low and extremely low-income seniors located in the Warm Springs Area of Fremont. A single three-story building fronts Warren Avenue and fits in the context of the...
Canyon Flats and Reilly Station Canyon Flats and Reilly Station are two affordable family housing apartment buildings linked by a shared public paseo in the Warm Springs Metro Crossing neighborhood. JETT designed multiple outdoor gathering and play areas on the ground...
353 Main Street JETT collaborated with ROEM Development, BSB Design, and Keir & Wright Civil Engineers to bring a vibrant, affordable housing development to the heart of Redwood City. Located on a 1.62-acre site adjacent to Redwood Creek, the project consists of...
Nova Nova is a modern, six-story new building with 57 units of affordable housing for formerly homeless individuals. JETT’s site amenities for the ground floor include planting areas and an ornamental gate designed to blend into the existing neighborhood and help...
Aurora Aurora is a modern, 44-unit supportive housing development serving formerly homeless individuals. It is a short walk away from high quality transit, schools, groceries, and medical facilities. JETT provided landscape design elements for the streetscape, podium,...